School Meals

Our meal provider is Harrisons.

Please visit the Harrison website  to find out detailed information about our school meals.

But first, a few key facts about school meals you may not know...

  • All dishes are prepared and cooked fresh every single day
  • All recipes and menus approved by a team of Nutritionists to ensure they are balanced, nutritious and support a child’s development at school
  • Menus are compliant with the School Food Standards set by the Government
  • Every day there is fresh fruit available, a salad bar pupils can help themselves to, including bread which is freshly baked on site daily
  • No added salt is used during cooking
  • We have reduced the sugar content of desserts. This has been achieved through reformulation, reduction in portion sizes and increasing number of fruit-based desserts

Our current catering contractor, Harrisons, meets with school leaders and the school council to discuss the menu options. All meat is halal and there is a daily vegetarian option.

Packed Lunches

We are proud of our Healthy School’s Gold Award, and we encourage children and families to lead a healthy lifestyle. If your child chooses to bring a packed lunch to school, this should be a healthy and balanced meal. For more information, please read our Healthy Eating Policy.  

To view our Healthy Eating Packed Lunch Policy, please visit our policies page by clicking HERE.

Fruit and Milk

We are pleased to be part of the Government's Fruit scheme; every child up to and including Year 2 receives a piece of fruit for free as their mid-morning snack. We hope that this is then established as a healthy habit. Children in Nursery, Reception and KS1 also receive a carton of milk each day.

There is fresh drinking water available in school and in the playgrounds. Children are encouraged to bring a re-usable water bottle to school.

Birthdays in School

We all know that birthdays are important to every child and that children like to celebrate with their classmates. Please do not send party bags with sweets and sugary treats or packet of crisps or cake for distribution. We will return them back to you and we do not want children to be disappointed.  As a healthy school, we encourage children to share fruit to celebrate birthdays.   If you would like to donate a book to the class or the library to celebrate a birthday, these will be bookmarked as gift from your family and child with gratitude.

Free Schools Meals